4D Pack v13.2

_AP External clock


4D Pack v13.2
_AP External clock

_AP External clock 


_AP External clock 
Does not require any parameters

The external area _AP External clock draws an analog clock using the PICT resource 17890 of the 4D_Pack plug-in. This resource draws the dial of the clock.

You can draw your own clock and then place a 17890 PICT resource in the structure file. This PICT resource can be created on a Macintosh using ResEditâ„¢.

The picture can be of any size, as the size of the clock hands will be adjusted accordingly. In the same manner, the dial shape does not need to be contained in a square, but can be contained in a rectangle.

By default, the clock displays the System time; however, the AP SET CLOCK command allows you to set a delay between the time displayed by the clock and the current time. Thus, you could display different clocks corresponding to different time zones.


Product: 4D Pack
Theme: 4D_Pack : External Clock
Number: 61985


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Pack 6